The Project has had many distinguished visitors – apart from the clients. Prince Charles spent time listening to and drinking coffee with clients, showing interest in them and in their stories. A previous Irish President, Mary McAleese, visited the Project and the present Irish ambassador and her entourage are good friends of St Catharine’s and frequent visitors. Sr Aelred is responsible for all this, with the support of her community and with the many volunteers. Sr Aelred ensures that those who come to St Catharine’s identify with the words of Gerard Manley Hopkins: ‘I say that we are wound With mercy round and round As if with air.’
Every Wednesday evening young people gather in the chapel for a time of prayer, scripture, reflection and music. There is always someone to speak to, to confide in. Indeed this has been a place of synodality long before the word came into popular parlance. The chapel is also used for recitals and concerts of sacred music.